Blake Morgan, President

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Blake founded Optimize Overseas following three years at Google, where he developed a passion for business process outsourcing as he standardized and outsourced hundreds of man-hours of routine, process-based work. Prior to Google, Blake worked in the Investment Banking and Energy industries. He is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin and a native of Midland, Texas.

Anupam Bhandari, Manager

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Anupam serves as a Manager at Optimize Overseas with more than seven years of work experience in the Finance and Royalty divisions of companies in the Education & Energy sectors. He holds a Master’s degree in Finance as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.

Karan Apoorv, Manager

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Karan works as a Manager at Optimize Overseas, following several years as an advisor for Investment Banking firms involved in the Renewable Energy industry. He holds a Master’s degree in Finance as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Technology.

Katherine Rivera, Market Analyst

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Katherine, better known as “Kat” by her friends and colleagues, has worked as a Software Developer for more than 10 years and knows her way around “Big Data”. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Data Processing Management. During her spare time, she enjoys watching US-based TV series, baking and reading books by Danielle Steele.

Riza Acosta, Data Analyst

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After earning her Economics degree from The University of the Philippines Baguio, Reinariza (“Riza”) Acosta worked in Human Resources for nearly 8 years, serving various industries including Electricity, IT, and Humanitarian Organizations. Immediately prior to joining Optimize, Riza was an HR Consultant for the Department of Trade & Industry in the Philippines. When not at work, Riza loves playing with her young son & daughter.

Arbin Taj, Data Analyst

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Arbin joined Optimized Overseas as a Data Analyst in early 2021. She is a 2017 graduate of Pondicherry University where she received her degree in Statistics and was awarded a gold medal for her excellent academic record. She started her career as a lecturer in Statistics & Mathematics, but ultimately decided to steer her career in a direction where she could more directly apply these concepts, which led her to Optimize. In her free time, Arbin likes to garden and spend quality time with her sisters.